* This file is part of Chevere.
* (c) Rodolfo Berrios <[email protected]>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Chevere\Parameter\Traits;
use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\FloatParameterInterface;
use Chevere\Parameter\Interfaces\IntParameterInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use OverflowException;
use function Chevere\Message\message;
use function Chevere\Parameter\valMd;
* @template-covariant TValue
trait NumericParameterTrait
* @var array<TValue>
private array $accept = [];
* @var array<TValue>
private array $reject = [];
private bool $isSensitive = false;
private function errorOverflow(string $property, string $topic): string
return (string) message(
'Cannot set %property% value when %topic% range is set',
property: $property,
topic: $topic,
private function errorMinMaxArgument(string $target, string $conflict): string
return (string) message(
'Cannot set %target% value greater or equal than %conflict% value',
target: $target,
conflict: $conflict,
private function assertAcceptEmpty(string $message): void
if ($this->accept !== []) {
throw new OverflowException($message);
private function assertRejectEmpty(string $message): void
if ($this->reject !== []) {
throw new OverflowException($message);
private function setMin(int|float $value, int|float $max): void
$this->errorOverflow('min', 'accept')
$this->errorOverflow('min', 'reject')
if ($value >= ($this->max ?? $max)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
$this->errorMinMaxArgument('min', 'max')
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
$this->min = $value;
private function setMax(int|float $value, int|float $min): void
$this->errorOverflow('max', 'accept')
$this->errorOverflow('min', 'reject')
if ($value <= ($this->min ?? $min)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
$this->errorMinMaxArgument('max', 'min')
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
$this->max = $value;
private function setAccept(int|float ...$value): void
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
$this->accept = $value;
$this->min = null;
$this->max = null;
private function assertAcceptReject(): void
$intersect = array_intersect($this->accept, $this->reject);
if ($intersect !== []) {
$accept = implode(', ', $this->accept);
$reject = implode(', ', $this->reject);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Accept list `%accept%` intersects with reject list `%reject%`',
accept: "[{$accept}]",
reject: "[{$reject}]",
private function setReject(int|float ...$value): void
// @phpstan-ignore-next-line
$this->reject = $value;
$this->min = null;
$this->max = null;
private function assertNumericCompatible(
IntParameterInterface|FloatParameterInterface $parameter
): void {
$this->assertNumericList($parameter, 'accept');
$this->assertNumericList($parameter, 'reject');
$this->assertNumericLimit($parameter, 'min');
$this->assertNumericLimit($parameter, 'max');
private function assertNumericList(
IntParameterInterface|FloatParameterInterface $parameter,
string $property
): void {
// @infection-ignore-all
$diff = array_merge(
array_diff($this->{$property}, $parameter->{$property}()),
array_diff($parameter->{$property}(), $this->{$property})
if ($diff !== []) {
$value = implode(', ', $this->{$property});
$provided = implode(', ', $parameter->{$property}());
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Expected %topic% values in `%expect%`, provided `%provided%`',
topic: $property,
expect: "[{$value}]",
provided: "[{$provided}]",
private function assertNumericLimit(
IntParameterInterface|FloatParameterInterface $parameter,
string $property
): void {
if ($this->{$property} !== $parameter->{$property}()) {
$value = strval($this->{$property} ?? 'null');
$provided = strval($parameter->{$property}() ?? 'null');
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Expected %topic% value `%value%`, provided `%provided%`',
topic: $property,
value: $value,
provided: $provided,
* @return TValue
private function assert(
int|float $argument
): int|float {
if ($this->accept !== []) {
if (in_array($argument, $this->accept, true)) {
return $argument;
$values = implode(',', $this->accept);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Argument value provided%provided% is not an accepted value in `%value%`',
provided: valMd($argument, $this->isSensitive),
value: "[{$values}]"
if ($this->reject !== []) {
if (! in_array($argument, $this->reject, true)) {
return $argument;
$values = implode(',', $this->reject);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Argument value provided%provided% is on rejected list `%value%`',
provided: valMd($argument, $this->isSensitive),
value: "[{$values}]"
if ($this->min() !== null && $argument < $this->min()) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Argument value provided%provided% is less than `%min%`',
provided: valMd($argument, $this->isSensitive),
min: strval($this->min())
if ($this->max !== null && $argument > $this->max) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
(string) message(
'Argument value provided%provided% is greater than `%max%`',
provided: valMd($argument, $this->isSensitive),
max: strval($this->max)
return $argument;