
Getting Started
composer require amranich/ajax-router
You can copy/paste this code snippet for a quick start.
We're using Guzzle PSR-7 interface implementation here, but you can use any other library you like as long as it implements the same interface.
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response;
use AmraniCh\AjaxRouter\Route;
use AmraniCh\AjaxRouter\Router;
use AmraniCh\AjaxRouter\Dispatcher;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\ServerRequest;
use Lazzard\Psr7ResponseSender\Sender;
try {
$request = ServerRequest::fromGlobals();
// the 'X-requested-with' header is commonly used to inform the server that a request
// is sent via the XMLHttpRequest object on the client-side, a lot of JavaScript libraries
// like jQuery already send this header automatically, this check can add a small security
// layer to your app because HTTP headers can be spoofed very easily, so don't count on
// only that check.
if (!$request->hasHeader('X-requested-with')
|| strtolower($request->getHeader('X-requested-with')[0]) !== 'XMLHttpRequest') {
throw new BadRequestException("Accept only AJAX requests.");
// to organize your project, you can put your routes in a separate file like in an array
// and require it in the second parameter of the router constructor.
$router = new Router($request, 'route', [
// ?route=getPost&id=1005
Route::get('getPost', function ($params) {
// PSR7 responses are a little annoying to work with, you always have extra HTTP layers
// in your app that extend the base PSR7 response class, think of a class like JsonResponse,
// and in the constructor add the content-type header and pass it to the parent class.
$response = new Response;
'id' => $params['id'],
'title' => 'Best Places to Visit in Marrakech',
'description' => 'Example of post description',
'created_at' => '2022-02-27 03:00:05'
return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json');
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher($router);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
$response = new Response(
$ex->getCode() ?: 500,
['Content-type' => 'application/json'],
json_encode(['message' => $ex->getMessage()])
$sender = new Sender;
Usage Tips
Route to controller/class method
If you like to put the business logic in a separate class or in a controller, you can route your requests to them like this :
Route::get('getPost', [PostController::class, 'getPost']);
Or :
Route::get('getPost', 'PostController@getPost');
// register the controller class or instance in the router
If the controller/class has some dependencies that must be passed within the constructor, you can still instantiate the
controller on yourself :
new PostController($dependencyOne, $dependencyTwo)
Catch route actions exceptions
*I want to catch exceptions that only occurs from my routes actions, and not those thrown by the library or somewhere else, how I can
do that ?*
Answer :
$dispatcher->onException(function (\Exception $ex) {
// $ex exception thrown by a route action
Get current route
You can access the current route object using the static method getCurrentRoute of the Route class.
$route = Router::getCurrentRoute();
The idea of the library came to my mind a long time ago when I was mostly developing web applications using just plain PHP, some of these applications were performing a lot of AJAX requests into a single PHP file, that file can have a hundred lines of code that process these requests depending on a function/method name that sent along with the request, so I started to think of what I can do to improve the way that these requests are handled, and improve the code readability and maintainability.
This package wins the PHP Innovation Award (February 2022) Issued by
? Prize :
One elePHPant mascot.
? Certificate :
They support this project
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